All you need to know about the ProCode Movement by DhiWise
The capability to write a program to develop an App that can function on its own is an act of creation. Like creation, software development can become complex, layered and improved with iterations. Any software development starts easy and gets messy with every lifecycle of change, customization or optimization. This is mostly because of distractions and sometimes plain ignorance towards the software integrity in order to fulfil time-bounded improvements and changes.
Current scenario of software development
Conventional engineering concepts require an engineer to get a lay of the land, end result and limitations of use. For example, a building cannot expand horizontally after completion of the foundation. A wending machine cannot grow inside to keep the sandwiches warm. Or an electric grid cannot scale from 100 outlets to 1000 outlets with no additional resources. These limitations occur due to physical elements required in the engineering process; however, the software is distinctly different in terms of shape, size and scale. A software program can be transformed in million different ways by altering very few underlying components. However, strengths of software engineering are being over-used and sometimes abused by frequent iteration to an extent where the core objective is clouded by temporary demand surges. This often leads to high error rates and project failures in the software industry.
What can we do best?
To combat the continuously evolving market demands, we need to focus on the central piece of the puzzle – the software developers. Software Developers are the ones who weave the fabric of the internet and make the world more connected every day. Companies like Microsoft, Google and Facebook have been able to cater to billions of users due to highly creative work done by software developers at the centre of their organizations. Out of 7.8 billion humans, 23.9 million knows how to write a code, this number is expected to grow to 45 million by 2030 according to Statista. These numbers already look concerning given the world being drawn into the world of software apps at a much faster rate, it becomes scarier when we get to the number of specialists in programming languages. Specialists are required to provide a flexible and innovative foundation that can cater to and evolve with the global community.
While we wait for bio-tech to come up with a cloning technique to replicate software developers and get jobs done faster, it might be worthwhile on focusing to make the most of what we have. The core work of a programmer is to write a code that provides seamless user experience in the present while being open to flexibility in future. There have been several pieces of research and studies to achieve this. One of the most famous and accepted is a DRY technique. DRY deals with ‘Don’t Repeat Yourself’. To summarize, it deals with writing a piece of code that does not repeat itself again throughout same or interconnected models. Instead, frequent iterations force the software developers to the paradoxical WET technique that ranges from ‘Write Every Time’ to ‘Waste Everyone’s Time’.
The software industry needs an initiative that puts the software developer first. Putting a software developer first means caring about what they say, which is mostly non-comprehensive to most humans – code. Shifting the focus to this central piece of the software industry is what we are calling the ‘ProCode’ movement.
ProCode is an initiative by DhiWise. DhiWise is the World’s 1st ProCode platform for MERN stack and Native Mobile App Development. Let’s get to know more about the ProCode movement.
ProCode movement looks closely at the core functions of software development by keeping the software developer at the centre. We intend to remove all unproductive activities that eat into developers’ time and intellect. This requires interviewing, shadowing and working with developers on a daily basis. The way they write code and how that code merges with someone else’s code and builds a multi-faceted solution while keeping the focus on a single source of information. Outcomes of these activities are surprising such as:
Writing code is easy, editing is difficult. Requirements in natural languages are easy to understand and often revolves around to boils down to a singular idea. Identifying this singularity in initial development cycles is easy. Software Developers write code to suffice the present need while leaving space for future scope. While the idea is being tested and validated, a lot of things are required to be implemented on a trial-and-error basis. This affects the program structure, sometimes reducing a well-structured program to a complex mess of variables. This is mostly due to incomplete articulation of requirements, frequent alterations or unexpected software defects resulting either from the system or user interaction. If only the software developers could do modifications to the original program without inserting any more lines of code. Arranging and rearranging the existing model and components makes the development life cycle more efficient and less error-prone than editing and debugging the actual code. This requires providing a canvas to software developers where they can load their code and visualize the program structure for identification and alterations of required aspects.
Attention to Details Affects Outcome While it’s good to be detail-oriented, it’s not the most productive and efficient way to work. Especially when we’re dealing with resources with high demand and scarce supply. Developers consider third party software services as useful weapons to combat stipulated project timelines. The culture of building software services that can be plugged in any program for quick and quality results has opened up the world of open-source technologies. Open source has provided a much-needed environment of collaborative innovation and laid the foundation for commercial software services such as MailChimp, Zapier etc. These practices have also resulted in connecting software interfaces through APIs for financial, geographical and health data exchange. Most of the API integration is standard and provided with upfront documentation by service providers. Yet, it takes a considerable time for an individual to look for, study and implements API integration with any service. If only we could have a platform that keeps tab of all third party services and allows integration with a click, instead of spending time on monotonous, repetitive and unproductive tasks.
Why should you join the ProCode Movement by DhiWise? The ProCode movement is the need of the hour, especially in countries with a high density of software developers and responsibility to deliver software targeted at global users. While there are businesses trying to regulate and restrict coding practices to guidelines, the software developer community continues to thrive under the threat of being reduced to just another data entry job or replaced by automation, it’s about time we shift focus back to the central piece of the industry – code and coders. If we are to transport every living soul to the virtual planet of internet, it only makes sense to empower the very carriers of this movement.